


Florida Concealed Weapons Permit (CWP) classes are now being conducted year-round at the LAKELAND RIFLE AND PISTOL CLUB (LRPC), 2000 Lasso Lane, and at the scheduled CENTRAL FLORIDA ARMS SHOW @ SUN ‘n FUN Expo Campus, 4175 Medulla Rd.

We conduct women-only classes, classes for couples, and open classes for anyone.  Works well for friends, family, business associates, civic clubs, and churches.  So, get a group together and make the call.  Must be 18 to take the class, but 21 to apply for a permit.  Group discounts may be available for large groups or benevolent organizations.

We can also bring the class to your venue…church, ranch, home, business, any place firearms are not prohibited by law.  This class can be both fun and entertaining for groups of like-minded people and can be tailored to fit the venue and the group’s needs and interests. 

Call or text Jim Spurlock at (863) 255-8354  to sign up for a scheduled Sunday afternoon class, or to schedule a private class for you or your group at your convenience. 

Jim Spurlock – NRA Instructor, dba Stoney Pointe Shooting Academy, charges $60 cash per person.  LRPC receives $15 per person in attendance.

GUN SHOW CONCEALED CARRY CLASSES – DISCOUNTED FEE,  ONLY $60, cash or credit, and LRPC receives $15 per person in attendance.

We will conduct classes at noon, Sat and Sun (your choice), at our 3 annual Gun Shows at SUN ‘n FUN Expo Campus.  These classes are taught in the Visitor Information Center Building (blue/yellow) adjacent to the main gun show.  No photos, finger printing, or paper forms will be required, as this is now all done on a computer when you apply in person.  Make an appointment on line, show up, follow instructions…takes 30 minutes, get your permit in 3-4 weeks!  Go to, click on “Concealed Weapons License” on the left side for complete information.

Gun Show Special price is $60, best deal around.  By contrast, “Florida Gun Shows”, owned by Shoot Straight, a gun store chain, charges $64 for the class, $139 if you want the Certificate of Completion.  Call or text Jim Spurlock at (863) 255-8354 to reserve your spot, pay at the gun show.   A new web design is under development which will provide you with the ability to register and pay on-line in the future.

These classes will be taught by LRPC member Jim Spurlock, an NRA Certified Instructor with multiple levels of certification and experience with pistol shooting and Florida gun laws.   A graduate of the Lakeland Police Department’s Civilian Police Academy, multiple classes by the Polk County Sheriff’s (Grady Judd) Office, candidate in the inaugural States Attorney’s (Brian Haas) Office Civilian Academy, student of the national and world pistol champion who trains the Special Forces and Navy Seals, Frank Garcia,  Mr. Spurlock, a retired physicist, entrepreneur, and corporate executive, brings unique experience, expertise, and presentation skills to what could otherwise be a boring subject. 

Class takes minimum of 2-3 hours depending on class size and participation: Topics covered meet or exceed the requirements of Florida Statutes Chapter 790.06   The required “observation of you safely discharging a firearm”  will be conducted on site, no need to travel to another range.  

The class will cover:

  • Gun Safety – the same high-quality Firearms Safety Course all new members of LRPC must complete.
  • Gun Handling – loading, unloading, making safe, clearing malfunctions.
  • Selecting a Gun for personal protection and/or concealed carry.
  • Pistol Shooting Basics – grip, stance, sight picture, safety on/off, trigger control, recoil control
  • Gun Laws – from Florida Statutes (
  • Concealed Weapons License – how to make an appointment and apply in person.

Advanced Shooting classes and supervised Range Practice time are also available at the LRPC by our NRA Instructors.  This is not slow bullseye target shooting. The instruction and drills are geared for lawful self-defense purposes.  The goal is to learn to shoot aimed shots instinctively and rapidly, both eyes open, at close range, under pressure (timer), at multiple targets, while maintaining acceptable accuracy, awareness of your surroundings, AND gun/range safety always.  A recent private lesson student, a young mother and first-time gun owner, after just 100 rounds of training in 1 hour, can consistently pick up her .380 S&W EZ pistol, load it, and hit two targets two times each in less than 4 seconds…safely!  NOTE: This level of progress can only be achieved safely in a private one-on-one lesson which costs $50/hour from Mr. Spurlock.